Albanian-Greek criminal group transporting cocaine and cannabis destroyed in Greece

Albanian-Greek criminal group transporting cocaine and cannabis destroyed in Greece

 Greek police said they arrested a 19-persons of a criminal group that trafficked cocaine and marijuana in some areas of Greece such as Janina, Rhodes, Kos and Attica. According to Greek police among the arrested, 12 of them are Greeks, five are Albanian citizens, one Romanian and one from Moldova.

Greek police say has found this organization responsible for trafficking large amounts of marijuana and cocaine in these areas since January 2017.

According to Greek police, the organization consisted of two cores. The first was run by a 63-year-old Greek and had nine arrested individuals, aged between 24 and 62, who traded narcotics in the area of Ioannina. The second nucleus, according to Greek police, was led by a 32-year-old from Albania and consisted of eight people, two Greek nationals aged 40 and 56, four Albanian nationals, a 31-year-old Romanian and a Moldovan. This nucleus, along with the drug supply from Albania, traded drugs in the Rhodes, Kos and Atika areas.

The Greek police have discovered that the criminal network was coordinated by the two core members of the nucleus created in Ioannina and Attica. The group leaders were the main supplier of marijuana and cocaine that came from Albania. Narcotic drugs, according to Greek police, were stored in special storage areas called "kavata" (open places) and transported further to the Greek islands through truck or cargo transport trucks.
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