Albanian soils

Albanian soils

 Because of geological construct, relief, climate and plant s cover diversity, the soils in Albania are very varied. 

In vertical direction are four belts and begging rom t e top are: meadow lands (Leptosols), over 1600-1800 m, very fertile (17-2 o umus), grey-dark forest soils (Cambisols), from 1000 to 1600-1800 m, (10-15% humus); brown soils (Histosols), that are predomination of other soils, from 600 to 1000 m, till 10% humus, greyish brown soils (Nitosols), till 600 m, 13-6%. Besides these lands are and other lands that don’t do any belt like: alluvion lands, bog land, (mainlyin river valleys and coastal fields) and salting tends in coasal belt.

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