Is discovered the parchment rewritten in X century as part of The Codices of Albania

Is discovered the parchment rewritten in X century as part of The Codices of Albania

 The General Directorate of Archives (GDA) of Albania has revealed an important document. It is a script, file 14, the fund "The Codices of Albania", which has 8 palimpsesti sheets, the only one in Albania.

Palimspesti, from Greek means "jingle / clean", it is a rewritten or recycled parchment. When a sheet or parchment manuscript fragment was unusable, the printed sheets were cleaned through a process still discussed today, and were used to be rewritten again.

GDA explains that from the bottom layer of script (scripta inferior), we understand that the reused parchment dates back to the X century, while the upper layer (posterior scripta), dates back to the XIII century.

The manuscript, most likely, is produced in the city of Otranto in Italy and before becoming part of the collection of manuscripts of GDA has been owned by the Diocese of Berat library in Albania.

The texts containing the life of the saints and discourses of Church Fathers.

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