Cameras film Ernest Muci cursing the Serbian coach Aleksandar Vukovic, in Albanian after scoring the goal

 Albanian footballer Ernest Muçi has continued to shine in the Polish football elite, as he scored another goal while wearing Legia's jersey.

The talented Albanian striker scored his third goal in the league, adding to his two goals in the Conference League.

Muçi's goal earned Legia valuable points on their trip to Piast Gilwice.

The celebration was special for him, as the opposing team's coach is Serbian, Aleksandar Vukovic, who had previously worked with Muçi during his time at Legia.

Muçi's celebrations were in Albanian, making it clear to the Serbian coach what they meant.

All of this came as a result of Vukovic's time at Legia, during which Muçi either didn't play or only saw limited action in the last seven or eight minutes of the matches.

Nevertheless, Muçi's beautiful response on the field with his goal showed the Serbian coach that he made a mistake by not including the Albanian player earlier.

The 22-year-old is the star player of this season at Legia, having not only scored three goals in the league but also adding two more in the Conference League.
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