Petrit, the Albanian teacher killed himself at his wife's grave

Petrit Jaupaj and his wife, source: Facebook
Petrit Jaupaj and his wife, source: Facebook
A tragic incident occurred today in Ballsh, where a 60-year-old citizen named Petrit Jaupaj, a resident of Ballsh, in a deeply emotional state, took his own life by consuming prescription medication near his wife's grave.

As a result, the 60-year-old was found lifeless by other citizens in the public cemetery of the city.
It is learned that Petrit Jaupaj was a teacher of Bio-Chemistry at the "5 Shkurti" 9-year school in Ballsh, and about a year and a half ago, his wife passed away due to a serious illness.

The lifeless body of the 60-year-old has been sent to the morgue of Fier Regional Hospital for a forensic examination, local media say.

Mallakastër/Preliminary Information

In the cemetery of the city of Ballsh, it is suspected that citizen P. J., 60 years old, consumed a quantity of prescription medication and as a result, lost his life.

The investigative team is working to fully clarify the circumstances of the incident."

Petrit Jaupaj, a teacher of the subject of Biochemistry, lost his life in a tragic way, he drank photoxy near the grave of his wife who had passed away about a year ago. The death of the woman has deeply shaken the spirit of the teacher, who constantly dedicated verses and sayings to her.

Screenshot of what Jaupak wrote on Facebook...
Screenshot of what Jaupak wrote on Facebook... 
In a post on Facebook, Petrit Jaupaj wrote:

"The first March 7 without you, Tasha. You weren't at home getting ready like you used to be. Now this holiday will not be like the past 39 years when we celebrated and wished each other. Yes, March 8, Tasha. It will be the first time that our girls will not wish... How much pain your departure has caused us. But you will be like a butterfly in our hearts!"
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