Albanian Food Authority: 42 calves from Serbia in quarantine, 24 tons of salt from Austria blocked

Albanian Food Authority: 42 calves from Serbia in quarantine, 24 tons of salt from Austria blocked
 The National Food Authority, while intensifying the controls on terrain,  is continuing to strictly control any consignment of foodstuffs entering the territory of the Republic of Albania through the Border Inspection Points.

From the controls carried out on May 17 2019, it appears that live animal cargoes from Serbia (42 calf for slaughter) at the Morine Border were checked for compliance with the legal requirements for protective measures against Dermatosis Nodular disease such as are defined in Order no. 526, date 20.10.2016.

Referring to the provisions of this order and in cooperation with the regional veterinary service, the AKU decided to keep these live animals in quarantine (21 days) before being slaughtered.

The 24 tons of salt from Austria at the Hani i Hotit Border Inspection Point to be used for human consumption and food industry in Albania was checked for compliance with legal requirements for the prevention of disorders caused by iodine deficiency in the body's (Law No. 9942 dated 26.06.2008, Article 6).

During the control of the relevant documentation as well as after the physical check of the load, it resulted that the analysis certificate and the label of the salt product represent the level of iodine lower than the allowed limit according to the legal definitions (not lower than 40 mg iodine and not with higher than 60 mg iodine per kg of salt).

For these reasons, the AKU imposed the administrative "block" measure on the quantity of 24 tons of salt and the administrative measures of "return to the country of origin" of the product. The entity is doing the right actions with the Shkodra customs department for sending the product to the country of origin.

The National Food Authority continues to carry out controls to ensure law enforcement and the protection of consumers 'lives and health, and is determined to not tolerate any breaches of the law to the detriment of consumers' lives.
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