Is founded the Literary Club "Martin Camaj" in Munich

Is founded the Literary Club "Martin Camaj" in Munich

  On 12.11.2016 was held the constituent assembly for the formation of the Literary Club "Martin Camaj" based in Munich. 

The hall was crowded by fans of the art of the word who mostly were migrants comming from all Bavaria, and even beyond.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Fadil Lumi who proposed this team of work: Fadil Lumi, Hamza Halabaku, Fardane Ferdane, Alidemin Bajrami and Fran Tanushi. At first, after a deliberation discution by the participants, the program and the statute was approved, with some remark suggestions.

With the consent of all the participants, Fadil Lumi was elected president; two vice presidents: Fran Tanushi and Sylë Bajrami, Mustafa Krasniqi as the secretary.Ttreasurer: Milazim Kajtazi and spokesperson of the Literary Club "Martin Camaj" was elected Ferdane Alidemin.

On the basis of the Statute and program, was decided that members may be all writing art lovers, and members of the Presidency those who live and create in Bavaria.Was decided to have a nominal fee of € 20 per membership every year.

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