Zelensky says is grateful to Albania about the meeting in UNSC

Zelensky in the UNSC meeting
 Zelensky in the UNSC meeting
 Albania is currently presiding over a significant session of the United Nations Security Council, with Edi Rama, the Prime Minister of Albania, leading the discussions. The primary focus of this session is the repercussions of Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

During the United Nations Security Council meeting, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed his gratitude to Albania for presiding over this session. He emphasized that Russia, responsible for an unjustified criminal aggression that has claimed numerous Ukrainian lives over the course of 754 days, should not be part of this UN meeting.

"Prime Minister Rama, I appreciate the Albanian leadership for organizing this meeting! Since the commencement of this extensive aggression initiated by a state that, for unclear reasons, continues to have a presence among Security Council members, it has brought 754 days of suffering. Russia has caused the deaths of tens of thousands of our citizens. Most people are aware of the true nature of this conflict. It is a criminal aggression aimed at annexing Ukrainian territories and resources. However, it goes beyond that. Through this aggression, Russia seeks to undermine international norms that aim to protect the world from warfare. I want to extend my gratitude to those who have recognized Russian aggression as a violation of the Charter. Ukraine has the right to self-defense, and providing Ukraine with weapons has been instrumental in safeguarding our nation," stated the President of Ukraine.

Following President Zelenskyy's speech, Prime Minister Rama emphasized the need for collective responsibility in addressing the global challenges and threats faced by the world today.

"I want to thank President Zelenskyy, and now I will deliver a statement in my capacity as the Prime Minister of Albania. I express my gratitude to all of you for being present here. The significant number of prominent figures attending this meeting underscores the paramount importance of the issue under discussion. President Zelenskyy, your presence here during this tragic moment for your country is greatly appreciated. Your words convey the pain suffered by your compatriots, as well as the resilience of your people and the unwavering hope of your nation. Today, the world requires a heightened sense of responsibility from all of us as we confront the challenges and threats that our planet is confronting. An act of aggression in the heart of Europe should not be perceived solely as Europe's problem, as some have suggested or repeated. Some may view this as an issue that the democratic West must address. However, aggression is a concern that should concern us all," said Edi Rama.
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