Gianni Infantino in Albania on September 29

Gianni Infantino and the Albanian flag in the background
 Gianni Infantino and the Albanian flag in the background
 FIFA President Gianni Infantino will come for an official visit to Albania on September 29 to meet with the leaders of the Albanian Football Federation (AFF) and members of the Albanian football community. A visit that coincides with the celebrations for the 90th anniversary of the AFLFs membership in FIFA, but also for the inauguration of the "House of Football", a modern complex financed precisely by the "Forward" program of FIFA. 

During his visit, Infantino will also be received in a meeting by the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, while he will participate in the festive event that will be organized in Air Albania stadium on the occasion of the inauguration, as AFF officially reports.

This giant complex, in which the headquarters of the AFF is also located, is almost nearing completion together with the two mini-stadiums, which will soon open their doors for the national teams of Albania and offer a modern infrastructure with all the conditions just like today's modern stadiums.
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