Chinese and Russian vaccines in Albania

Chinese and Russian vaccines in Albania

 Albania has adopted the normative act to receive the anti-COVID vaccine from China. According to the normative act published in the official gazette, the Chinese vaccine will come through a Turkish distributor.

The normative act paves the way for the approval of the text of the agreement between the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Minister of State for Reconstruction and the Institute of Public Health and the authorized distributor "keymen ilaç sanayi ve ticaret" a.ş. for the supply of the Republic of Albania with the inactivated vaccine against COVID-19 (vero cell) coronavac, created by Sinovac life science co ltd. and produced in the People's Republic of China.

The day before, 10 thousand doses of the Russian vaccine "Sputnik V" arrived in Albania.

Rama's two ministers, Ogerta Manastirliu and Arben Ahmetaj, said the vaccines were a gift from the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates, Muhammed Bin Zayed.
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