An Albanian poem in the Irish film 'To the Moon'

An Albanian poem in the Irish film 'To the Moon'

Irish director Tadhg O’Sullivan’s ‘To the Moon’ won first prize at the Irish Film Festival.

In this film, a poem in the Albanian language is heard, ‘Elegy of the Forests’ (Alb: Elegjia e Pyjeve) by the Albanian writer Visar Zhiti!

A film by Irish director Tadhg O’Sullivan where the presence of the moon in film, literature, and other art forms on all planets are his basis.

In it is a common fascination with the Moon that crosses cultures and traditions to unite that forms the main point. It combines international writing, film clips from 25 countries, and music with contemplative and atmospheric effect, which, together with the universal nature of the moon as a symbol.

This is a cinematic room to the moon made in large part from archival sources combined with literary fragments. Interesting idea of ​​how people from many periods, have drawn from the moon dreams of escape, myths of paradise, songs of longing and loss, stories of the lost future, etc.

Below is Visar Zhiti's poem translated and adapted by Oculus News:

Forest area has been reduced
and the surface of fear has increased,
the area of ​​forests has been reduced,
there are fewer animals now
less courage and less lightning,
less beauty
and the moon is uncovered
as a violent deflowerment and
then abandoned,
the area of ​​forests has been reduced
the surface of poetry, of sighs,
fewer leaf words
the more gossip.
Forest area has been reduced
rivers are not fascinating, rivers are confused,
like zebras in zoological parks...
the area of ​​forests has been reduced
and the surface of shame,
how little shame we have now
we do not regret anything,
we have very little time to repent.
Roads are paved,
advertising and dilemmas
magazines, cinemas, and glories
the area of ​​cities has been enlarged
and the surface of shame is magnified
all the shame of not learning the newspapers
and continue to the next issue
and we subscribe to the next year of folly
The area of ​​forests has been reduced
and forest directorates have been added
the surface of love is diminished
and birds have less room
for their loves
that they do not know how to make love in offices
The surface of the faces is reduced
A cuckoo draws trees on the walls
in my eyes draws trees
does the tree tattoo
on the skin of his slender arm
as the end of the twentieth century
so much sticks the hot needle with paint
as the forest buzzes in blood like an inflamed wound.
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