Albanians block the North Macedonia Assembly due to rejection of the citizenship law

Albanians block the North Macedonia Assembly due to rejection of the citizenship law

 The Parliament of Northern Macedonia continues to be paralyzed for several weeks now, due to the blockade imposed by the Albanian opposition in Parliament. Albanian opposition MPs are asking the government to accept their proposal for a law on citizenship, which would facilitate the procedures for granting citizenship to thousands of Albanians who have remained for years at the door of the Interior Ministry.

This situation has caused nervousness and revolt among the parliamentary majority which demands the unblocking of the work of the Assembly. The Speaker of the Assembly called on all parties to find a common language and resume the work of the legislature.

"They issue an ultimatum until the law is passed. How do I know if the law will pass and if it will pass if it does not get the required 1/3 of the votes? This is a ping-pong political game for narrow party purposes from all sides, without exceptions", said Talat Xhaferi, Speaker of the Assembly.

But the Albanian opposition seems unlikely to give up the blockade until the government accepts the citizenship law.

"They constantly say that they also have a draft law on citizenship. I made a public invitation in coordination, let us bring the law on citizenship that they have and if they really have it, have it together with our proposal, harmonize them in a common-law which can go on behalf of all parliamentary groups and be in the interest of the citizens who are affected by this issue. I had a deaf ear from most", says Skender Rexhepi, coordinator of ASH-AAA.

The Albanian opposition blocked over 20 draft laws, submitting over 32 thousand amendments so far, while in the coming days this number is expected to exceed 45 thousand. On the other hand, the majority does not have the numbers to vote nor the laws which have already been passed by the Assembly troops, because 2 majority deputies are infected with Covid19, and the ruling parties do not pass 60 votes in the Assembly.
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