Two trucks with Vladimir Putin's pictures on the streets of Peja escorted to Police

 Trucks with Vladimir Putin's pictures in Kosovo
 Two drivers with Serbian license plates who were spotted on the streets of Peja, with photos of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Serbian nationalist writer Vuk Karadzic mounted on the truck, were escorted by Kosovo Police and interrogated.

The drivers of the two trucks are ethnic Serbs, Kosovo media writes.

"In the afternoon, the police stopped two trucks, in one of them there was a picture of Russian President Vladimir Putin and in the other a picture of Vuk Karadzic. The two drivers were escorted to the police station in Peja, where they are being interrogated. The state prosecutor was also notified about the case. The trucks have Novi Sad license plates", said the Peja Regional Police spokesman Fadil Gashi.

Citizens said the gesture was provocative, so some of them even covered Putin and Karadzic's face.
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