Finally Peaceful the 10th protest of the Albanian Opposition

10th protest of Albanian Opposition peaceful finally
Lulzim Basha
 The leader of the Democratic Party of Albania reiterated this evening on the 10th Opposition's protest that the removal of the Prime Minister Edi Rama remains a non-negotiable issue for resolving the country's political crisis. Speaking at the protest organised in front of the headquarters of the Prime Minister, Mr. Basha added another non-negotiable condition of those who steal the votes, referring to the recent wiretapping by the German newspaper BILD.

"Now that the evidence is in the eyes of everyone, February 16 pledge remains in force. There is and will not be any negotiations with Rama Prime Minister, there will be no political agreement without condemning the vote thieves, no political agreement without liberating your vote and your dignity," said Mr. Basha, addressing the supporters gathered at the main boulevard Tirana.

"This deep crisis does not simply end on a deal based on political bargaining. This crisis must be closed on principles and tonight I want to make it clear that the first principle is to bring befor justice those who stole the votes of the Albanians." said Mr. Basha.

The stance of the opposition remains unchanged even on June 30. According to Mr. Basha, the prime minister "is heading towards the state coup d'etat without opposition. Let him know very well that we do not take any step further. No elections on June 30. The civil alliance is on feet, the battle continues through every town and village. Any attempt to provoke Albanians will fail with shame, while June 30 will be Rama's political cemetery," said the opposition leader, inviting opposition supporters" to be in every street to defend democracy and constitution with the power of our righteous cause."
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