Hunza 'Illyrians' never get sick, do not have cancer and live long - here's why

Hunza Illyrians never get sick, do not have cancer and live long - here's why

 Have you ever heard about the Hunza people? There are many stories and myths about people who lived happy and healthy for a very long time.

Myths like the 'Fountain of Youth' still awaken interest after so many years. But it's no secret that there are many people who live far longer than other people.

There are even people who never get ill and never get any disease.

Which is the secret of a long and healthy life? An article published online for the Hunza people drew the attention of many who began to understand the answer to the question above.

Hunza 'Illyrians' never get sick, do not have cancer and live long - here's why

The Hunza people live in a mountain valley of a region in Pakistan. The reasons why this people attracted the attention of researchers are:

1. The reading rate to them is 95% - which means that every Hunza has at least one high school diploma

2. Hunza region is home to people of four ethnicities

3. There are two different religions in the Hunza region and people are divided into them

4. The life of the Hunza people is very simple and they are considered to be very hospitable

5. Some of these people live up to 150 years

6. Women in Hunza may also give birth at the age of 65

7. They never eat processed food and eat a lot of apricots

8. They work in the fields from sunrise to sunset every day and work hard

Joyful, healthy and full of life, seems that people in the Hunza Valley belong to another planet.

They eat fresh apricot, get fresh air of the mountains, look young and hardly ever get ill.

People are often surprised by what they learn about this people (also known as Burusho) that usually live long.

While in Pakistan a person's average life expectancy is 67, in Hunza being 100 years old does not make you old. Even at the age of 100, they are powerful and healthy.

Rather than living to eat, they eat to live. They eat food twice a day; a healthy breakfast and a good dinner after sunset.

Moreover, they only eat natural foods like fruits, vegetables, milk and cheese. There are no chemicals or adenives in their meals.

Tension, stress and bad thoughts are unfamiliar to these people. They are totally untouched by stress-related illnesses, becoming completely immune to them.

According to a legend of Burusho, the people of Hunzas originate from Baltiri, a village that was founded by the Alexander the Great army who were left behind after being ill.

Hunza 'Illyrians' never get sick, do not have cancer and live long - here's why

There is no such thing as cancer in this people. According to research, Hunza Valley apricots are said to be the secret behind the lack of tumors.

Hunza eat large amounts of this fruit that is rich in amygdalin (vitamin B-17). Amigdaline is known for its anti-cancer properties.

They are very hardworking. Rather than watching movies and staying inside, they walk a lot.

Once a year for a period of two months, Hunza have a break from their regular meals and live only with the squeezed apricot fluid.

Hunza 'Illyrians' never get sick, do not have cancer and live long - here's why

This is an old tradition that they still follow. Scientists agree that this manner affects greatly in their amazing health.
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