The Albanian Klement Tinaj is running for California Governor

Albanian Klement Tinaj is running for California Governor

  Klement Tinaj of Los Angeles, CA, declared that he is running for Governor of California. Mr. Tinaj pledges to be the voice and the change for the people of California.

“I am pleased and honored to announce that I am running for Governor of California. After I opened my own business and school in Los Angeles I noticed the problems in the education system and the high unemployment rate. That's why I decided to run for  Governor,” states Tinaj for Oculus News.

“Most importantly, the primary role for the Governor should be to be an advocate for the people of the state.  There are many issues that will come before us, and I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated governmental agencies, and get things done.”

Albanian Klement Tinaj is running for California Governor

“As  the Governor of California I will invest in more jobs by building and fixing roads, highways, bridges, airports, schools, beaches, farms, reservoirs, recycling water,  parks and recreations, etc.”

“ As Governor, I can  bring jobs back to the working class,”

“ Because of my experience, I have “people skills” that can be used to bring people together toward common goals and unity.

“I believe that if we act now we can  build a better tomorrow. Together, we can be the voice and the change for the people of California.”

“I look forward to a positive campaign, meeting citizens, and tackling challenges.”

For more information on Mr. Tinaj, please visit News

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