Arnauts - Albanians of Tunis

 Williams once wrote: "In Albania are raised almost most brave soldiers of Europe. Senior Albanian Highlanders, strong and without fear composed the guard of the Sultan. Peoples of Mirdita and generally Highlanders were placed on most important parts of Turkish army. Many of them received praise and senior positions in both the military and the administration. Even in the days of Rome had been the idea to make Albania a socket for making fighters, but Turks met this idea. Should be noted that if Albania was advanced, educated and happy, would not give soldiers to Turkis. For this reason ignorance, poverty and the isolation from the advanced were chosen by the Turks as tools to keep under heel this brave people."

But what does Albanians wanted in Tunis?

The story of 'Arnauts (Albanians) - Tunisians disclose many important episodes since the Ottoman Empire extended to the southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

Mameluke militia members were formed by slaves who served to Beys of Tunis. In the group of Mameluke were also Albanians.

If could be studied the archives of Tunis (Tunisia) and those of France for the 18th-century we will see that the Tunisian branch of Arnauts branch were too large (

Who were the Mameluke? Mameluke system and he Janissaries to the Ottomans allowed the establishment of slaves (all of Christian origin) in senior military positions but within the Ototoman but within Islam. Mameluke were enslaved children in non-Muslim countries who were elected and formed away from their homeland. Educated in religious strong base (total rinse from the past and place of origin) and served where the Empire needed.

The first Albanian ancestors landed in Tunis in 18th century. We do not know whether they speak Turkish or Albanian but about their origins we are sure because they are called Arnaut.

At first Albanian Mameluke in Tunis served as Body-guard and later were introduced in Bays. They usually lived near the palace Medina (city center). Even today this street is known as 'El Arnaut'.
Evidence of the large presence of Albanians in Tunis - writes Karim LARNAOUT (France) are the graves of Gjallazi - at the entrance to Tunis
(Tunisia). Tunisia archives have the certificates of civil status of Albanians born and died there.

"When I spoke about the Albanian slavery under the Turks rulke I had not in mind cruelty, torture, murder and slaughter. These actions fall on separate people who suffer, die and be forgotten. Torture science, the essence of tyranny and the diabolic of the murder are at their peak when are addressed to a group and to the soul and life of a country. It seems unlikely that a government shows openly its decision to destroy the happiness and deny the hopes and desires of a folk under rule. But this is Turkey's terrifying story in Shqipëri." Williams wrote./Oculus News

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