28-year-old escaped from Vlora Court as soon as he heard his verdict of 3 years in prison

 A strange event occurred today at the Vlora Court, where a 28-year-old, at the moment he heard the verdict of the Judge against him, immediately escaped from the Court.

You can see in the above video the escape from the courtroom of the 28-year-old, Mikel Kasaj, at Court of Vlora.

As soon as heard the verdict, climbed over the desk and ran through the hall, descended two floors by the stairs, and ran out of the main door of the Court.

Court executives say they have often demanded the strengthening of safeguards.

Mikel Kasaj waited the moment of three-and-a-half-jail sentence and escaped from the courtroom. The incident happened on Wednesday morning at the Vlora court, where he was being tried for kidnapping a person one year a go.

28-year-old escaped from Vlora Court as soon as he heard his verdict of 3 years in prison

The 29-year-old man is considered a dangerous person, he escaped in seconds by escaping the two police officers who appear in the hall. The small number of law enforcement officers in the hall is also a concern for the President of the Court of Vlora

"Yesterday I called the HCJ and the director of the administration of the judicial power. The Vlora Court is out of any security. The Vlora Court has no means of transport. Yesterday I told the HCJ that the Vlora Court does not take over the escort of judges to other courts. Judges with line van can not go without any security. Regardless of what is said a part of the judges do not have cars, "said Skender Haluc.

All Vlora police are looking for Mikel Kasaj, building roadblocks in the city. He wears black pants and a pink jumbo, and police ask citizens to call 129 if they see or have information about his location. Meanwhile the investigation about the escape have started.

The authorities are investigating the case, if someone insider has ease the escape or has been corrupted. While 3  police officers charged for accompanying the prisoner are detained and being questioned by authorities.

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