Albania to supply with water Puglia and Campania in parallel with Trans Adriatic Pipeline?

Michele Emiliano in interview
Michele Emiliano

 Water and gas "to run" along through the bottom of the Adriatic Sea through the Albania-Puglia line. This is the proposal of Puglia's governor, Michele Emiliano during his intervention at Caserta at the conference "From Coal in Paris", as Corriere del Mezzogiorno writes.

The meeting with Rama and Blair

A pipe that carries out water and runs in paralell with the Trans Adriatic Pipeline that will have to reach Salento seems that will solve once and forever the lack of water in Apulia and Campania. This is in a few words of the Governor's proposal.

Trans Adriatic Pipeline segment map
Trans Adriatic Pipeline map

"A few days ago," Emiliano says , "I was in Albania where I met Edi Rama. In those days in Albania there was also Tony Blair, whom I also met. He was concerned about the public order situation in Salento, and so I made a proposal to the Albanian Prime Minister. Why not to make a pipe that goes with that of gas and bring water from Albania to Italy, a country that has plenty of water and we need it so match in Salento? Is not this an environmental compensation?"
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