Arsenic sulphide of thallium - the mineral found only in Macedonian mine

 Alshar is a mine on Mount Kozhuv where is discovered for the first time the mineral of arsenic sulphide of thallium 

Today's name of the mine is the acronym of the first letters of the names of persons who have run this mine in the first half of the twentieth century: Alatini, a French banker family and Sharto, mining engineer.

In 1986, then-Yugoslav ruling launched the project "Loreks" which included ten scientific institutions from Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia. After the dissolution of the Yougoslavia, all activities of the mining stopped.

Alshar is the only mine worldwide that holds thallium. Thallium is a toxic metal and hard. It is also used in the electronics industry for glass processing. Likewise it is also used as poison for mice and insecticides. The Arsenic sulphide of thallium (TlAsS2) is a mineral and is found first in Alshar. This is a rare mineral that could provide energy in very low cost, Macedonian media writes./Oculus News

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