Albania in 1914-1918 - Unseen Collection of rare Postcards Revealed

These are a series of brilliant postcarts, collected by the scholar Robert Elsie.

A collection of postcards from Albania from 1914s to1918s, prepared by "Purger" printing-house, Germany. 

"German Printing Purger & Co., headquartered in Munich, was active between 1899-1920. It became famous  to many countries of Europe and the Mediterranean for its particular method on color postcards. The postcards were printed by a homolitographik process with three colors and were counted, which helps us to arrange their approx dates . This collection of 42 postcards of early Albania, certainly not complete, it comes from the years 1914-1918. We are grateful to old friend of Albania Mr. Jochen Blanken of Hamburg who gave us in disposition this collection," says Elsie

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