Turkish newspaper "Hurryiet": Skanderbeg 'returns' in Turkey

Turkish newspaper "Hurryiet": Skanderbeg 'returns' in Turkey
The Europa League draw revealed that Skanderbeg team of Korça will have të play with the Turkish team of Besiktas.

The Turkish newspaper "Hurryiet" reported this news in a particular way.

This newspaper reported this news based on a Historic background -  Skancerbag team of Korça holds the name of Albanian national hero, who fought for 25 consecutive years the Ottomans - the Turks - keeping them away from European Continent.

Hurryiet headline: "Skanderbeg 'returns' in Turkey."

At a young age along with his three brothers, Skanderbeg was taken hostage by Sultan Murad II, as punishment for war declared to Sultan by John Kastrioti, Skanderbeg's father, and settled in Edirne, today Turkey.

Because of his bravery and ability in martial arts he showed during battles in Ottoman army during Asia Minor battles, Skanderbeg took by sultan the title of General. Skanderbeg studied martial arts in Istanbul, knew Ottoman language, Latin and Albanian, as well as he had a born oratory, his pen was good also. Balkans and Asia Minor were some of his military duties after school, being distinguished for his bravery.

Click to learn more about Skanderbeg.

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