Turkish Telegraphic Agency "Anatolia" (AA) to broadcast in Albanian

Turkish Telegraphic Agency " Anatolia " ( AA ), which continues its work with a view to being one of the five most influential telegraph agencies in the world, will begin broadcasting news in Albanian.

In a press release the agency noted that Turkish Telegraphic Agency "Anatolia" in the 100th anniversary of its founding aims to produce and publish news in 11 languages, and currently publishes in English, Arabic, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Russian, Kurdish and French, and now has a project to publish news in Albanian language.  

AA involvement in the publication of news in Albanian, mainly in Albania and its addition in Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, will publish on behalf of other Albanian media which operates and lives in Turkey, the European Union and the U.S.

AA, which follows preparations for the project 's inclusion of the Albanian language in the languages of publication, July 1 will begin publishing the first test, and in October will begin the publication in the official form.
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