Seventeen-Year-Old Albanian Endures Horrific Ordeal in Sparta: Abducted and Beaten by Girlfriend's Relatives

 A 17-year-old Albanian boy in Sparta experienced unimaginable terror when he was kidnapped and beaten for three hours by his girlfriend's relatives. According to the boy's father, who spoke to STAR, his son had a romantic relationship with a classmate, which her parents disapproved of due to his Albanian origin, Greek media reports.

The boy who was raped by the Greek family
 The boy who was raped by the Greek family
The ordeal began when the boy received a phone call from the girl's brother, asking him to meet. Upon arrival, he was violently attacked by two individuals who then forced him into the trunk of a car in front of his own mother.

As recounted by the boy’s father to Greek media, the assailants stopped along the way from Areopolis, pulled him out of the trunk, beat him again, and then took him to the girl's brother's house. There, the torture continued, inflicted by both the brother and the girl's parents. The beating was relentless; the girl’s mother pulled out his hair and bloodied his face. Due to the severity of the blows, the boy started bleeding from his ear and has reportedly lost hearing in his left ear, with uncertain prospects for recovery.

The torture session lasted at least three hours. Afterwards, the kidnappers left the boy in an area where they called his mother to come and find him. The victim was taken to the hospital, where he has been receiving treatment for several days and remains in a severely distressed psychological state.

The girl's father, who had previously been imprisoned for killing his own mother in Dyros, was arrested along with his son and another individual involved in the kidnapping and beating. The girl’s mother, who also took part in the assault, is currently being sought by authorities.

This shocking incident has highlighted serious issues of racial prejudice and violence, raising concerns about the safety and protection of minority communities in the region.
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