Laert Sallaku Honored by New York City Mayor Eric Adams for Academic Excellence and Dedication to Public Service

 Laert Sallaku, a proud Albanian-American, was recently honored with an award by Mr. Eric Adams, the Mayor of New York City. As a gesture of respect, Mayor Adams raised both hands, making the Albanian eagle symbol, in recognition of Sallaku's achievements.

Laert Sallaku while being honored by New York City Mayor Eric Adams
 Laert Sallaku while being honored by New York City Mayor Eric Adams
This young Albanian-American, born and raised in New York, graduated with the highest honors among 600 newly graduated police officers. He ranked first, delivering his speech as the top student at the ceremony. During his speech, he shared his journey, which began back in high school.

Laert Sallaku was a high school student when he left Tirana in 2017.

Now 23 years old, Laert Sallaku graduated as a police officer in New York with a GPA of 9.96, the highest among all students.

During his valedictorian speech, he said, "My journey to become a New York officer started about 6 years ago when I emigrated to New York at the age of 17. As a young immigrant, I encountered the diversity and inclusive character of the city, where I immediately felt accepted and felt that this was my place."

Laert Sallaku Honored by New York City Mayor Eric Adams for Academic Excellence and Dedication to Public Service
Listening to his speech with great emotion, I felt extremely proud of his success, and of course, we wish him a brilliant career in the Police Forces in America.

And as the world-renowned writer Walt Whitman says:

"Keep your face toward the sunshine and shadows will always fall behind you."

I am sure that Laert, as a young police officer, will have a positive impact on the area where he serves as a whole. He will protect specific communities or neighborhoods and work to reduce crime. Laert gives me confidence that as a young police officer, he will keep the community safe from those who commit numerous crimes.

Mrs. Lumturi Sallaku, Laert Sallaku's mother, during her exchange of messages with him, was extremely proud. She was very touched and said, "I felt so many emotions for my son during his speech at the ceremony, for the love he expressed for Albania and the gratitude for America."

The NYPD was established in 1845 and today is responsible for safeguarding a city with 8.5 million residents, performing a wide variety of public safety roles, law enforcement, traffic management, counterterrorism, and emergency response.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams called it a very important day as he himself swore years ago to be a member of the New York City Transit Police Department and later joined the New York City Police Department.

Laert Sallaku is a success story in the Diaspora and in America and becomes an inspiring example for the Nation, for children born outside the Homeland, and for many officers working for law enforcement, both in the Albanian-American community and beyond.
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