25 Years On: President Bajram Begaj Commemorates NATO Intervention in Kosovo

 March 24, 2024, marks the 25th anniversary of a significant turning point in the history of Kosovo – the launch of the NATO operation to liberate the region from the grips of Serbian genocide. President Bajram Begaj, in a heartfelt message on social media, expressed gratitude towards NATO and the United States for their pivotal role in ending the campaign of ethnic cleansing and violence in Kosovo.

Kosovars who leave their homes due to the Serbian occupation, a mother can be seen holding the baby in her arms and at the same time breastfeeding, a photo that is considered one of the symbols of the Kosovo war
 Kosovars who leave their homes due to the Serbian occupation, a mother can be seen holding the baby in her arms and at the same time breastfeeding, a photo that is considered one of the symbols of the Kosovo war
"Thank you, NATO! Thank you, USA! 25 years ago, on March 24, 1999, NATO intervened to end the Serbian genocide in Kosovo," President Begaj wrote. His words echo the sentiments of a nation that found itself on the brink of devastation but was ultimately saved by the decisive actions of the international community.

The NATO intervention, spearheaded by the United States, not only halted the atrocities being committed against the Albanian population but also laid the foundation for Kosovo's journey towards freedom and independence. President Begaj highlighted the political wisdom, strategic foresight, and unwavering determination of the Alliance, emphasizing that their intervention not only saved Kosovo but also created a new security framework for the entire Balkan region.

The subsequent presence of NATO forces in Kosovo, particularly through the Kosovo Force (KFOR), has played a crucial role in maintaining peace and stability in the region. President Begaj emphasized the ongoing significance of NATO's commitment, stressing that it serves as a reminder of the importance of continued efforts to foster harmony, cooperation, and prosperity in the Balkans.

Acknowledging the sacrifices made by the Albanian nation, the heroic struggle of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), and the countless victims of the war, President Begaj underscored their pivotal role in paving the way for international intervention. Their resilience and determination laid the groundwork for the just cause that led to NATO's intervention and the subsequent establishment of the Republic of Kosovo.

As Kosovo commemorates this historic milestone, President Begaj's words serve as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of those who fought for freedom and justice. The intervention in Kosovo not only marked a triumph over oppression but also symbolized the collective resolve of the international community to stand against injustice and uphold the principles of peace and human dignity.

In honoring the past, President Begaj emphasized the importance of looking towards the future with optimism and determination. Kosovo's journey towards peace and prosperity continues, guided by the principles of democracy, freedom, and solidarity. And as the nation reflects on the events of 25 years ago, it does so with gratitude for the invaluable support of NATO, the United States, and all those who stood in solidarity with Kosovo in its darkest hour.
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