Albanian parties unite: database for persons convicted of sexual crimes

Albanian parties unite: database for persons convicted of sexual crimes
 Law Commission
 In the last meeting, the Law Commission opened the way for the creation of a national database, which would preserve the data of persons convicted of sexual crimes.

The majority and the opposition have joined the votes by giving "Ok" to the draft for the creation of the national register of the perpetrators of criminal offenses of a sexual nature.

The initiator of the draft law, LSI deputy Erisa Xixho, thanked the colleagues of both parties in this commission, while the pedagogue Iris Luarasi, one of the supporters of this proposal, also announced the next initiative that they will present to the Assembly for protection from sexual crimes.

"Very soon we want to introduce sexual castration. Sexual castration is a pill that reduces the desire to sexually attack," announced Luarasi.

The bill for the creation of a national register of convicted sex offenders will be voted on Thursday in parliament.

This is the first time that it is possible to collect data on persons convicted in years for committing sexual crimes at a national level. Through this data, it will be possible to know the geographic distribution of these people.
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