Albanian Uljad Berdica wins Rhodes Scholarship, only 0.7 is won worldwide

Uljad Berdica demonstrating Rhodes Scholarship 2022 
 Of all the most brilliant students in the world, only 0.7 percent of them manage to benefit from the Rhodes Scholarship, which has been awarded since 1902 for postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford.

Among these brilliant students, the winner for 2022 is Uljad Berdica, the son of a couple from Shkodra, lawyers by profession.

The winning son of the former mathematics Olympiads in Albania, the student of excellent results at the University of New York, USA, today a doctoral student at Oxford University, London, and the scientist of tomorrow.

"I think this is such an important moment in my life that it is worth a post once in a few years. I'm happy to announce that I have been awarded the #RhodesScholarship by the constituency of the United Arab Emirates. I will be joining the University of Oxford in the fall of 2022 with the goal of pursuing a Ph.D. (Engineering) in Engineering Science.

I am extremely grateful to my family for their colossal support. I am very grateful to the professors who helped me challenge myself to become a better engineer.

I hope my Rhodes Award inspires engineering students to see themselves not only as trained technicians but as future leaders caring for a range of fields in the arts, sciences, and politics that can benefit from engineering-led solutions.

An extremely pleasant result of this was that I learned about the most talented Albanian students and professionals, who are so supportive, hardworking, and impressive that they revived my love and hope for my country and its people. I hope that one day we will be able to build a country whose youth does not dream of leaving it. I hope that we Albanians will find ways to nurture and reward original talent and thought instead of mediocrity and populism. No person deserves to be afraid of getting stuck or returning to his homeland!

Finally, I would like to thank the UAE for creating an amazing plan for how a country can change, grow and lead. Thank you for the opportunity to apply as an international student in such a life-changing program. Thank you for being a great support for Albania and Albanians.

The world is full of love and understanding; let's find out more from him!” writes Uljad Berdica.
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