Albania for the first time part of the UN Security Council, Xhaçka: Gives us special importance in the international arena

Albania for the first time part of the UN Security Council, Xhaçka: Gives us special importance in the international arena
Xhaçka while in Euronews Albania studio invited by the journalist Ilva Tare
 Albania will soon take on the role of a non-permanent member of the Security Council in the United Nations, an organization of which our country has been a member since December 15, 1955. The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhaçka says that despite having a vote, Albania has a guaranteed position as it is the only candidate in the group of Eastern European countries.

"Albania is part of the Eastern European group and at this point is among the consensus of all members that Albania will be the only and consensual candidate. Which means the choice is safe. Exactly not because it was our turn, but because there was an agreement and long lobbying that Albania deserves to be supported from all countries of its group", Mrs. Xhaçka declared to Euronews Albania.

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs said that this is mainly due to lobbying and the role that Albania has played with its foreign policy.

"We have real merit for this position because it is a position that we take thanks to a long lobbying but also the credibility of Albania in terms of its foreign policy, diplomacy, its foreign prestige, bilateral cooperation but also multilateral but also the contribution given for peace in the missions of the UN itself, but also of NATO and the EU", added Mrs. Xhaçka.

The Security Council's one of the highest bodies of the UN is made up of 15 countries, 5 permanent with veto power (US, Russia, China, Great Britain and France) and 10 temporary members elected by the General Parliamentary Assembly and UN.

For Albania, said Mrs. Xhaçka this means that it will take the most important decisions at that table and foreign policy will recognize another level of importance and prestige and Albania will have the opportunity to establish much closer relations and cooperation with many powerful countries.
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