Unification of Albanian Diaspora textbooks is the first step...

Unification of Albanian Diaspora textbooks is the first step...

 While talking about national unity between Albania and Kosovo, a big step has been taken in the field of education. This has to do with the issue of unifying textbooks for all Albanian children in Albania, Kosovo, and the diaspora.

The director of the Publishing Center for the Diaspora, Mimoza Hysa, said to Euronews Albania that the Diaspora is a unique opportunity for Albania and Kosovo to give life to the realization of the above-mentioned project.

“The unification of Diaspora textbooks is the first step for the unification of teaching in Albania, Kosovo or the Diaspora. The diaspora gives us a unique chance to have a unique, third, and neutral territory, where we can unify our policies and our cooperation," she said.

In front of the journalist Bruna ÇIifligu, Mrs. Hysi said that after the unification of the texts in the Diaspora, this process is expected to start in Albania and Kosovo.

"Since children in the diaspora are children who come from Peja, Gjakova, Tirana, Vlora and are gathered in a single class, then it is necessary that the approach to them be common in the language they use, literature and everything that was learned about Albanian culture. "Of course, based on this, we hope that it will then be extended, based on the agreements that have already been signed between our two countries, also between Albania and Kosovo for teaching curricula", she said.

She said that the unification of textbooks is expected to be done at three levels.

"Initially, it is about unified texts for the Diaspora. They are texts at three levels, of teaching the Albanian language and culture in the Diaspora.  The nationwide primer is our first experience," she said..
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