Rozmari Jorgaqi passed away at the age of 83, the first Albanian Orchestra Conductor

Rozmari Jorgaqi passed away at the age of 83, the first Albanian Orchestra Conductor

 The first Albanian Orchestra conductor, Rozmari Jorganxhi, has passed away at the age of 83.

She started her career in 1959 as a lyrical soloist. Jorgaqi has performed professionally at high levels roles from international opera, but also national ones. From 1967 to 1984 she conducted the TOB Choir, being the first female conductor.

Rozmari Jorgaqi passed away at the age of 83, the first Albanian Orchestra Conductor
Rozmari Jorgaqi conducting, May 1967
In 19993, although at the age of 56, Jorganxhi won the audition and began as a professional singer at the Theater "Giusepe Verdi", in Trieste, Italy, where she sang for 10 years.

The well-known tenor, Kastriot Tusha, said that tJorgaqi should serve as an example for all generations.

"For me she will remain an example for all generations, I hope the new generations will have a memory", said Kastriot.

Rozmari Jorgaqi passed away at the age of 83, the first Albanian Orchestra Conductor
Rozmari Jorgaqi conducting, May 1986
While the Orchestra conductor Suzana Turku remembers the late Rozmari Jorganxhi as follows:

Rozmari Jorgaqi passed away at the age of 83, the first Albanian Orchestra Conductor

"He sculpted the role of Mara in the opera Mrika, Mara of Mrika, every time I hear this reminds me Rozmari Jorganxhi. She has told to me many things, because our work has secrets, I do not forget her. She has left a great impression on me.
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