Italian football Manager Mario Giuffredi says Albanians are people of the word and wants to meet Rama

Italian football Manager Mario Giuffredi says Albanians are people of the word
 Mario Giuffredi
 Mario Giuffredi is a well-known agent in Italian football. He owns the rights of the Albanian players, Elseid Hysaj, Emanuele Ndojt, and Ledian Memushaj. Albania's solidarity with the sending of 30 doctors to help Italy and the speech of Prime Minister Edi Rama, have excited him. Giuffredi has given a heartfelt interview to TMW, where he talks about his conversation with Hysaj about the difficult situation his country and the world are going through as he describes coronavirus as a punishment from God.

"I'm not the type to pursue politics, it's a world I've never liked. But Edi Rama was one of the few politicians, if not the only one, who spoke with his heart. This honors him and the entire Albanian people who are grateful to Italy. Gratitude does not exist nowadays, people forget everything very quickly.

Mario Giuffredi

I called Hysaj and told him that I would like to get to know Rama as soon as this situation is over because when a person speaks with his heart, he is a man in the true sense of the word. In my experience, I have found that Albanians are people of the word, just like us Neapolitans. Hysaj's renewal? At the moment it is not even a question to be discussed, it is not reasonable to talk about football in these moments. We will start the talks when we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I don't want to talk about money or contracts. The only discussions I have with my players are about health. Everything that is happening, in my opinion, is a punishment of God against man. We are locked in our homes like rats. This makes you realize that we need to live our lives without fixing achievement somewhere or selfishness.

We all need to adjust. Enjoy the little things and enjoy the life that is the most beautiful gift God has given us. When all it's over, then we need to have the ability and intelligence to remember this period. This situation will make us understand how to cope with life. We will be a better nation", concludes Mario Giufreddi.
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