Albanian cardiologist in New York says the number of Albanian COVID-19 victims in the US is higher

 Screenshot of Sulejman Çelaj while speaking to RTV Dugagjini
 The Albanian Cardiologist Sulejman Çelaj says that unfortunately, he has known many Albanians who have died as a result of coronavirus infection.

"Unfortunately in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, the number of Albanian deaths is higher than in Kosovo. It is unfortunate that such a small community as Albanians have such a large number of victims from COVID-19", said Çelaj for RTV Dukagjini.

Celaj says both in the US and around the world, the data is promising, as there is a decline in the number of deaths and coronavirus infections.

Commenting on the figure of President Trump, the Albanian doctor in the US says that he is a good businessman but has no knowledge in the field of medicine.

"Do not take into account President Trump's statements regarding COVID-19," said Sulejman Çelaj.

Sylejman Çelaj is the director of the Cardiology Department at a hospital in Bronx, New York.
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