Three new deputies sworned today in the Albanian Assembly

Arlind Çaçani, Halil Jakimi and Korab Lita
Respectively by order: Arlind Çaçani, Halil Jakimi and Korab Lita

 Korab Lita, Arlind Çaçani and Halil Jakimi of the multi-name lists of the Democratic Party became today the youngest deputies of the Assembly, accepting the mandate of the deputy.

After the verification of the mandates it turned out that are respected the requirements of the Electoral Code.

The Parliament Speaker Gramoz Ruci read the text of the oath and then the deputies swored on the Albanian Costitution.

With 3 deputies sworn today, the number of deputies in the Assembly reaches 102, as 79 are majority and 23 of the opposition.
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