Albanian boxer Mikel Hodaj to fight against the Frenchman Ali Yammuni for title

Albanian boxer Mikel Hodaj to fight against the Frenchman Ali Yammuni for title
 Mikel Hodaj (right) and Ali Yammuni

 The Albanian Boxer, Mikel Hodaj will hold a match against the Frenchman Ali Yammuni valid for the International WBF title. 

He is currently being trained in France, and will fight against Yammuni on June 14.

Hodaj admits that his opponent is strong, but his goal is only the victory.

Albanian boxer Mikel Hodaj to fight against the Frenchman Ali Yammuni for title
Mikel Hodaj rising the Albanian flag on his shoulders
"I am on the verge of a very important title, the 'International WBF'. I hope to be a beautiful show on both sides," he said.

"I have been preparing for this match since several months and I feel very good," Hodaj told French media.

For the 20-year-old Albanian this will be the sixth match in professional boxing, until now he counts 5 wins.
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