The ritual of walking on fire in Prizren

The ritual of walking on fire in Prizren

 The wood embers burning in a March evening amidst the improvised half-carved island in the Prizren City Park, Kosovo.

While in the mini-amphitheater there is the public gathering, to see closely the ritual of walking on the fire, traditionally carried out once a year in this city. In the background zou can hear the gurgling of the river and the loud music.

While the flames and the spotlights illuminate the space of the park turned into stage, the moderator of this rare traditional event, Rron Kastrati, in front of the audience explains how the ritual of walking on the fire contains all the positive elements of human psychology - good health, strength spirituality, awareness-raising, and powerful nature to cope with the dangers faced by man during daily life.

The ritual of walking on fire in Prizren

"Through this ritual, apart from defeating the fear, we can remove the various phobias that appear to us during every challenge in our lives," he says during the presentation. According to him, this ritual affects the strengthening of the mind and has a long history, being applzed since ancient times.

"Through this ritual many people have benefited in the aspect of health. Through this ritual, many people have been cured of various fears, have achieved the strength of self-confidence, the great strength of our human psychology, and our emotions have been strengthened," says Kastrati.

He also clarifies that walking on the fire creates a golden opportunity for the individual to create constant contact with the consciousness, inner psychology, emotions, and every other positive element that man has.
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