Post Traumatic signs former Albanian soldiers returned from missions

 DW in Albanian language has published recently a reportage treating a taboo topic relating to the Albanian Armed Forces. It is about military returnees from peacekeeping missions in some countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, or Chad.

Between 1996 and 2017, thousands of Albanian Armed Forces soldiers were part of the peacekeeping missions in the world.

In recent years, there have been many cases of military personnel in reserve or exempt from duty involved in criminal cases. The most recent case was that of Sergeant Mervjol Bilo, who was one of Zall-Herri's most well-prepared commandos, is now on the run after is accused of executing a person in the former communist block area. He went in many peacekeeping missions.

Post Traumatic signs former Albanian soldiers returned from missions

The Institute's study on Democracy and Mediation lists 26 criminal cases, robbery, murder, involvement in terrorist organizations. 

Redion Qirjazi of IDM, a former military officer at AAF, has researched about the post-traumatic stress of military personnel involved in a criminal event. "About 78% of the military I interviewed for this study were in tune for members who returned from the missions, especially the combatants whe had a change of their behavior. This is something that happens often with them," says Qirjazi for DW.

"The risk of involvement of military personnel in criminal activities, especially after their release from the military, is higher than ordinary persons for some reason. First, the soldiers are trained to use the weapon, which increases their confidence in themselves to carry out a criminal activity.

While the Commander of the Land Force, Major General Nazmi Cahani, who describes these as isolated cases, things totally differently. 

"I think the free and reserve soldiers is the healthiest part of Albanian society. I would not think that anyone who finishes military service as commando or special is a potential contingent to join the crime world. I believe that there are very sporadic cases that do not show a tendency," Cahani.

DW also interviewed the parents of Comando Forces NCO officer Mariglen Bramati, who commited suicide five years ago. When he was on mission in Afghanistan in 2012, Bramati experienced the killing of group comrade Captain Feti Vogli. "He suffered heavy - his father claims - and when he came here he committed suicide. He got sick, he was depressed, bored."

"We urge troops to recognize each other's signs of depression and stress during the mission, they need to be in touch with their family members, they should feel they stay close," General Cahani told DW.

But Redion Qirjazi of IDM, criticizes the mentality of fear and punishment in the ranks of the Armed Forces. "Many soldiers think think that if will be discovered that they suffer from post-traumatic stress or psychologically, this is related to their participation in missions, they will be punished by moving away from work, without being promoted, etc."

While the psychologist Albana Telhai, which has run before the Psycho-Social Center of the Armed Forces, shows the signs of post-traumatic stress that family members need to consider. 

"It is important for family members to recognize the first signs of aggression among military families, tickling, agitated movement, their speaking in a loud voice, etc. If their family members get informed and manage well these situations then this is a great help for the soldier," he says.
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