32-year old mother thrown in garbage her 2-days old baby in Lushnje

 57/5000 Një nënë në Lushnje hedhur në mbeturina fëmijën e saj 2-ditore

 A lifeless baby is found in a garbage basket today in the city of Lushnje.

The newborn baby was abandoned as it was found today in the neighborhood "Kongres" in Lushnje by some stray children walking in the garbage.

Police have identified the baby's mother who is a 32-year-old with the initials A.Nexha who is escorted to the Police Station of Lushnje.

It is suspected that the baby was thrown into the basket to lose track after was probably unwanted.

The female baby had two days of birth and is not known when was thrown into the basket.

Police is working to clarify the circumstances and complete documentation of the tragedy.
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