Elson, the Albanian prisoner working as waiter in a restaurant in Milan

Elson, the Albanian prisoner working as waiter in a restaurant in Milan

 In Milan - Italy - many people go to the famous Restaurant 'In Galera' (In Prison), where prisoners work with cooks.

Among them is Elson, an Albanian who has found the "freedom" inside the prison. Most of the doors are open and since 2 years Elson is enjoying his freedom of living inside the prison.

Employees in this restaurant receive between 1 thousand and 1 thousand and 500 euros. Elson told to a Deutsche Welle's story that he has a need for his family.

But with the work being carried out, he feels useful that he is doing something to help his family.

Also the manager of this restaurant who is liked much for his initiative tells that: "We want to tell to the society out there that this time you will come to us in prison. Reach us and see by yourself how humanly we are doing here and what we are able to offer."
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