A 2300 year old pacifier discovered in Agrigento, Italy

A 2300 year old pacifier discovered in Agrigento, Italy

 A small pacifier that has the shape of a jar is found by archaeologists in Agrigentio, Italy. 

According to experts this jar dates back to the IV century and the beginning of the III century, BC. The find came from excavations at the Hellenistic theater of Akragas, along with other objects with ritual functions. The mayor of Agrigento Lillo Firreto said that this discovery is a "good sign" for the inhabitants of Argentino.

"According to excavations held until now, in the process of the discovering of the Theater wanted by centuries are added new elements of the beauty in a place with great history as Argentino."

Meanwhile the Director of the Archaeological Park, Giuseppe Parello said that there are discovered some rare objects including dishes with a form of spout, resembling that of a real pacifier.
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