One of Oliver Ivanovic's last statement: I'm not afraid of Albanians, but of Serbs

 Oliver Ivanovic had expressed his fears recently that something could happen in North Mitrovica.

He even said he was not afraid of Albanians but of Serbs. This was what he said in the recent election campaign of local elections.

One of Oliver Ivanovic's last statement: I'm not afraid of Albanians, but of Serbs

"Yes, the situation has changed for the worse. The feeling of deterioration by the people is unbelievable. Of 100 people I talked with in the first few weeks at liberty, there is no one who has not put the security issue in the first words. Those people are not afraid of Albanians, but of Serbs, by local criminals who ride 'jeeps' without license plates. Drugs are sold in every corner, every parent fears this. There have been such things in the past, but not to this extent and those people have not acted so arrogantly as they are acting now. The police see all these and does not react, and so the citizens feel unprotected, although in the Kosovo Police in the north are all our Serb people. Some of them are experienced policemen who have previously worked for the Serbian MUP, but they are not doing anything either," Ivanovic told to "Vreme" on September 28, 2017.
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