Albanian MP Mesila Doda gets hundred life threatening messages by Macedonians

Albanian MD Mesila Doda gets hundred life threatening messages by Macedonians

 Through a status on her Facebook account Albanian MD Mesila Doda writes she has gotten tens of threatenings in Macedonian language. 

Albanian MD Mesila Doda gets hundred life threatening messages by Macedonians

She says gets threatenings every time she speaks about Albanians of Ilirida (Albanians of Macedonia). 

Her status:

 Dear friends! I've got tens of life threatenings and unheard curses every time I speak about Ilirida issue. I'm revealing here some of these messages sent to me in English, there are hundreds in Macedonian language.

In a time when these dare to threaten a MP of the Albanian Parliament hundreds kilometers away from they country, think about what pressure and violence are forced to endure the Albanians of Macedonia there from these animals filled with hatred and violence.

As for your knowledge, such expressions of extreme violence does nothing to me but convince me on the justice cause of Ilirida.

Here you can see some of the threatenings Albanain MP Mesila Doda has gotten:
Albanian MD Mesila Doda gets hundred life threatening messages by Macedonians

Albanian MD Mesila Doda gets hundred life threatening messages by Macedonians

As can be seen here by these messages made public by Albanian MP Mesila Doda, contains really too much hatred and also life threatening messages.

In one of the messages there is also a Police Officer (Filip Laskovski) who expresses his hatred in an extreme life threatening way./Oculus News

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