US and CDU of Merkel to Basha: End boycott, go to the polls!

US and CDU of Merkel to Basha: End boycott, go to the polls!

 After the United States is also the party of Angela Merkel, CDU, a partner of the Albanian Democratic Party (DP) that is positioned against DP this time relating to the boycott of parliament and parliamentary elections.

Through a letter arrived at the Democratic headquarters, dated on March 23, deputy chairman of CDU-CSU group in the German parliament, Franz Josef Jung, who is also the head of the CDU's foreign policy as well as the German minister of Defense, asks Basha to give up the way of the election boycott.

In Jung's letter is explained that CDU agrees with opposition concerns about the buying of votes, but also adds that the boycott is not a solution at a time when Brussels waits the application of Law Reform.

"We we are also very, very concerned that in the June 18 elections may have great falsification of the elections as a result of vote buying and other means. But we think is wrong the way your are trying to solve this problem, that means through parliamentary boycott and the declaration of non-registration for the June 18 elections, if the elected Albanian government does not resigns immediately and replaced by a "technical government" of all parliamentary groups, Albanian media writes.

Delays in Justice Reform and the boycott of the elections by the opposition would turn Albania behind on its path towards the EU. And would harm many relationships between the DP and CDU," is written in the letter of Jung addressed to DP leader, Lulzim Basha./Oculus News

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