Albanian Epos of Heroes at UNESCO

 The Biggest monument of Albanian oral poetry, the Epos of Heroes (Alb: Eposi i Kreshnikëve) has arrived in the Academy of Sciences. Isa Elezi is one of the few lute-man conductors following this wealth inherited from generation to generation. 

Before this value disappears, the academics of Albania and Kosovo have come together to send a file to UNESCO. The work on the preparation of the file Began in 2010 by the Academy of Albania, but because of the funds this file holds the signature of Kosovo Academy. The file already accepted scientifically and ready to be voted in the assembly of UNESCO by a new state like Kosovo, leaving room for other questions.

Isa Elezi performing at Academy of Sciences conference
Will Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Macedonia vote this cultural heritage as Albanian one, or these votes will be four cards against the epos of heroes. The Work for more publications on epos, anthologies and translations is continuing on both Academies of Sciences.

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