Suicides in Albania much larger that murders

Suicides in Albania much larger that murders

 Sources from the State Police confirmed for Monitor magazine that the number of suicides in 2017 in total was 197, while murders 50. Although the number of suicides compared to 2016 has fallen (-16%), the ratio with the murders has increased. The number of suicides in Albania in 2017 is four times higher than the number of murders.

According to the World Health Organization, 78 percent of global suicides occur in low and middle income countries. Prof. Dr. Arjana Muçaj, a member of the Council of Psychologists, asserts for Monitor that there are many factors relating to suicides and why we are becoming a society that is embracing this phenomenon. One of these reasons is the inability of the individual to realize his or her goals in life.

"Most of us have desires and purposes, which in some cases are unattainable. I am not talking about great goals, but according to the needs we have, in this environment we live: the basic goals for the individual. Like living with economic stability, a quiet, a social environment with wright relations placed between the social group in which everyone is part. Sometimes failure to do so leads the individual to the phenomenon of suicide because he sees himself hopeless; does not accomplish any of these goals and finds herself without the status she thinks she had in society, without the opportunity to maintain a family, etc., regardless of the fact that even the demands imposed by the society may be unaffordable by the individual, - says prof. Muçaj.

Prof. Assoc. Dr. Arjana Muçaj, claims that depression is a phenomenon that is catching a large number of individuals in Albanian society. If we list the social and economic reasons attached to depression, then it is about a major depression that increases the chances of leading to the phenomenon of suicide

As we live in a global society, the globalization has necessarily brought its pros and cons, "Currently are living individuals who see their own good and very little contribute to society, for the narrow circle, and so on. This individualism has transformed the individual into the social group in which he is part. All of these affect in the depression, except genetic causes. We are in an era of post-modern and individualistic life at the same time, which among the hardships that have brought about the individual are the achieving goals as a successful person, achieving goals constantly, being competitive, facing challenges, coping with poverty, etc."- the expert says.
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