Excluzive Video: PS Secretary deputy asks mother of 4 children to have sex with her 14-year-old daughter


In this video, the 60-year old man, who is the secretary of SP deputy Koço Kokëdhima, Agron Cane, asks mother of 4 children to have sex with her 14-year-old daughter in order to get her employed. She has 4 children to feed and has a urgent need for a job.

As we said earlier, this scandal is recorded in tape from news24 Albanian television journalists through a hidden camera in A.B. case, and is published at 19:00 pm.

In this video, initially they speak in general. After some time (at 03:00) they get on theme.
A. B. seys that "I said to my daughter that He(you) wonts to be in bed with both of us. But he felt gloom..."

But Cane insists, "She needs sex because she is full of hormones. Her friends have had sex eaven earlier...She bill be released by having sex with me."

"Ok, if it was for me, doesn't matter, because I am 40, ant lets suppose that I'll have my pleasure, but, by asking to have sex with a 14-year-old girl, is a little..." A. B. seys.
Cani continous to say that after having sex with her doughter, He (A.B.) will have many privileges. He seys also that in the future will compeet for he head of Saranda Municipality.

Is this a reminescence of ex-communists and now socialists, having in mind that when Red Army got to Berlin, had raped every woman on their way?

Ekskluzive, sekretari i Kokëdhimës ofron punë, si këmbim kërkon seks me 14-vjecaren

Siç edhe theksuam edhe më parë, kjo video do të publikohej në orën 19:00 nga news24. Në video zëri dallohet qartë, por mund të kuptohet edhe përmes titrave. Për më tepër ndiqni videon.

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