OSCE in Albania: Those who incite violence will be held responsible

 The OSCE Presence in Albania has reacted about the opposition's decision to give up the mandates. According to OSCE, this action undermines the democratic process of Albania and as a consequence this reflects an obstacle to essential reforms.

Among other things in the OSCE statement it is clearly stated that all those who initiate and demonstrate acts of violence will be responsible.

Statement by the OSCE Presence in Albania:

 The decision of opposition MPs to resign from the Assembly undermines the democratic law making process and represents an abdication of their responsibility to represent the citizens who voted for them. Essential and widely-supported reforms are being delayed. 

The OSCE Presence strongly advises against any attempt to subvert democracy through violence, to change the democratic process through undemocratic pressure. Those who enable and promote violence will be held responsible for it. We regret that the warnings of so many friends and longstanding partners of Albania were not heard. 

Based on our longstanding support for Albania, we urge responsible behaviour and a resumption of the democratic process in the Assembly, one of the achievements of modern democratic Albania. Albania has progressed significantly over the last two decades, politically, economically and socially, leaving authoritarianism behind. This progress should be continued to the benefit of all Albanian citizens, not reversed to the benefit of a few men of violence. 

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