Nine Albanian migrants saved in the water channel between England and France

Nine Albanian emigrants saved in the water channel between England and France

 Nine Albanian emigrants were rescued in a small canyon in the middle of the water channel dividing southern England with northern France as they tried to cross illegaly in Britain when 'strong' winds. According to foreign media, as soon as it was signaled, three rescue boats and a helicopter were activated to find the Albanains.

After searching, a woman and eight men are found, all of them Albanians. On Wednesday afternoon, they were taken to Eastbourne Sovereign port, and then questioned by the Border Police. According to their statements, they participated from France on Tuesday evening.

It is still unknown the way of how the signal was sent for help from the ship where the Albanians were or the cause of the problems found on the ship, but the Border Police ruled out the problems with the engine. It is reported that the National Crime Agency has launched investigations into this incident. Dover MP, Charlie called on authorities to be vigilant on immigrants trying to enter illegaly in Britain.
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