Macedonia, Textbooks Insult Albanians, the Ministry Admits Serious Mistakes

Macedonia, Textbooks Insult Albanians, the Ministry Admits Serious Mistakes

A recently investigation of ABC News reveals some serious problems on Macedonian textbooks.

In Macedonia, school textbooks are full of ethnic resentment towards Albanians. History and Geography books presents Albanians as incoming from Albania. Meanwhile Geography book considers as Macedonians who were Islamized and then Albanised. Albanian teachers in Macedonia claim they will not lecture contents that insults Albanian origin, history and identity.

Macedonian textbooks are full of dis pleasures towards Albanians. In Geography book of first year of secondary school is written that Macedonia's Albanians have derived from northern and middle Albania and in Macedonia are located some Albanian tribes who consider themselves as indigenous. But by Macedonian authors of the book Albanians are mostly Macedonians who during the Turkish Empire accepted Islam and then are Albanised.

These offensive content against ethnic Albanians, would be overstepped by Albanian teachers during school hours.

Burim Aliu, Professor of Geography say for ABC News, "The Mistakes are numerous, especially among the Albanian population and mentions about what backgrounds they have, from where they come....Believe me, I do not lecture these content to my students, I merely mention that page and say there is no need to learn it, though often students get frustrated, but I say them let's take it easy because indeed these facts are wrong and should be avoided, "

Even the History book of first year of secondary schools presents Albanians in a stereotypically way. There is written that Illyrian tribes of it- and Desaretes are Macedonian tribes, trying thus to lose the historic Albanian track on these tribes.

Naser Miftari, Professor of History, says "I think that these problems are discussed for years and there are not found ways to avoid, I would have said let ...Probably this would not be a problem for us as teachers but presents a big  problem for younger generations...So that really creates confusion and not reaches didactic purpose as a textbook. "

Ministry of Education and Science of Macedonia has repeatedly warned correction but so far nothing has been taken, ABC News reports.
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